Package io.grpc

Class Channel

Direct Known Subclasses:

@ThreadSafe public abstract class Channel extends Object
A virtual connection to a conceptual endpoint, to perform RPCs. A channel is free to have zero or many actual connections to the endpoint based on configuration, load, etc. A channel is also free to determine which actual endpoints to use and may change it every RPC, permitting client-side load balancing. Applications are generally expected to use stubs instead of calling this class directly.

Applications can add common cross-cutting behaviors to stubs by decorating Channel implementations using ClientInterceptor. It is expected that most application code will not use this class directly but rather work with stubs that have been bound to a Channel that was decorated during application initialization.

  • Constructor Details

    • Channel

      public Channel()
  • Method Details

    • newCall

      public abstract <RequestT, ResponseT> ClientCall<RequestT,ResponseT> newCall(MethodDescriptor<RequestT,ResponseT> methodDescriptor, CallOptions callOptions)
      Create a ClientCall to the remote operation specified by the given MethodDescriptor. The returned ClientCall does not trigger any remote behavior until ClientCall.start(ClientCall.Listener, Metadata) is invoked.
      methodDescriptor - describes the name and parameter types of the operation to call.
      callOptions - runtime options to be applied to this call.
      a ClientCall bound to the specified method.
    • authority

      public abstract String authority()
      The authority of the destination this channel connects to. Typically this is in the format host:port.