Package io.grpc

Class ChoiceChannelCredentials


public final class ChoiceChannelCredentials extends ChannelCredentials
Provides a list of ChannelCredentials, where any one may be used. The credentials are in preference order.
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static ChannelCredentials create(ChannelCredentials... creds)
      Constructs with the provided creds as options, with preferred credentials first.
      IllegalArgumentException - if no creds are provided
    • getCredentialsList

      public List<ChannelCredentials> getCredentialsList()
      Non-empty list of credentials, in preference order.
    • withoutBearerTokens

      public ChannelCredentials withoutBearerTokens()
      Description copied from class: ChannelCredentials
      Returns the ChannelCredentials stripped of its CallCredentials. In the future, this may strip only some of the CallCredentials, preserving call credentials that are safe from replay attacks (e.g., if the token is bound to the channel's certificate).
      Specified by:
      withoutBearerTokens in class ChannelCredentials