Package io.grpc

Class StreamTracer

Direct Known Subclasses:
ClientStreamTracer, ServerStreamTracer

@ExperimentalApi("") @ThreadSafe public abstract class StreamTracer extends Object
Listens to events on a stream to collect metrics.

DO NOT MOCK: Use TestStreamTracer. Mocks are not thread-safe

  • Constructor Details

    • StreamTracer

      public StreamTracer()
  • Method Details

    • streamClosed

      public void streamClosed(Status status)
      Stream is closed. This will be called exactly once.
    • outboundMessage

      public void outboundMessage(int seqNo)
      An outbound message has been passed to the stream. This is called as soon as the stream knows about the message, but doesn't have further guarantee such as whether the message is serialized or not.
      seqNo - the sequential number of the message within the stream, starting from 0. It can be used to correlate with outboundMessageSent(int, long, long) for the same message.
    • inboundMessage

      public void inboundMessage(int seqNo)
      An inbound message has been received by the stream. This is called as soon as the stream knows about the message, but doesn't have further guarantee such as whether the message is deserialized or not.
      seqNo - the sequential number of the message within the stream, starting from 0. It can be used to correlate with inboundMessageRead(int, long, long) for the same message.
    • outboundMessageSent

      public void outboundMessageSent(int seqNo, long optionalWireSize, long optionalUncompressedSize)
      An outbound message has been serialized and sent to the transport.
      seqNo - the sequential number of the message within the stream, starting from 0. It can be used to correlate with outboundMessage(int) for the same message.
      optionalWireSize - the wire size of the message. -1 if unknown
      optionalUncompressedSize - the uncompressed serialized size of the message. -1 if unknown
    • inboundMessageRead

      public void inboundMessageRead(int seqNo, long optionalWireSize, long optionalUncompressedSize)
      An inbound message has been fully read from the transport.
      seqNo - the sequential number of the message within the stream, starting from 0. It can be used to correlate with inboundMessage(int) for the same message.
      optionalWireSize - the wire size of the message. -1 if unknown
      optionalUncompressedSize - the uncompressed serialized size of the message. -1 if unknown
    • outboundWireSize

      public void outboundWireSize(long bytes)
      The wire size of some outbound data is revealed. This can only used to record the accumulative outbound wire size. There is no guarantee wrt timing or granularity of this method.
    • outboundUncompressedSize

      public void outboundUncompressedSize(long bytes)
      The uncompressed size of some outbound data is revealed. This can only used to record the accumulative outbound uncompressed size. There is no guarantee wrt timing or granularity of this method.
    • inboundWireSize

      public void inboundWireSize(long bytes)
      The wire size of some inbound data is revealed. This can only be used to record the accumulative received wire size. There is no guarantee wrt timing or granularity of this method.
    • inboundUncompressedSize

      public void inboundUncompressedSize(long bytes)
      The uncompressed size of some inbound data is revealed. This can only used to record the accumulative received uncompressed size. There is no guarantee wrt timing or granularity of this method.