Interface ClientStreamListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ClientStreamListener extends StreamListener
An observer of client-side stream events.
  • Method Details

    • headersRead

      void headersRead(Metadata headers)
      Called upon receiving all header information from the remote end-point. Note that transports are not required to call this method if no header information is received, this would occur when a stream immediately terminates with an error and only closed(io.grpc.Status, RpcProgress, Metadata) is called.

      This method should return quickly, as the same thread may be used to process other streams.

      headers - the fully buffered received headers.
    • closed

      void closed(Status status, ClientStreamListener.RpcProgress rpcProgress, Metadata trailers)
      Called when the stream is fully closed. Status.Code.OK is the only status code that is guaranteed to have been sent from the remote server. Any other status code may have been caused by abnormal stream termination. This is guaranteed to always be the final call on a listener. No further callbacks will be issued.

      This method should return quickly, as the same thread may be used to process other streams.

      status - details about the remote closure
      rpcProgress - RPC progress when client stream listener is closed
      trailers - trailing metadata