Interface ServerStreamListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ServerStreamListener extends StreamListener
An observer of server-side stream events.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface io.grpc.internal.StreamListener

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    closed(Status status)
    Called when the stream is fully closed.
    Called when the remote side of the transport gracefully closed, indicating the client had no more data to send.

    Methods inherited from interface io.grpc.internal.StreamListener

    messagesAvailable, onReady
  • Method Details

    • halfClosed

      void halfClosed()
      Called when the remote side of the transport gracefully closed, indicating the client had no more data to send. No further messages will be received on the stream.

      This method should return quickly, as the same thread may be used to process other streams.

    • closed

      void closed(Status status)
      Called when the stream is fully closed. A status code of Status.Code.OK implies normal termination of the stream. Any other value implies abnormal termination. Since clients cannot send status, the passed status is always library-generated and only is concerned with transport-level stream shutdown (the call itself may have had a failing status, but if the stream terminated cleanly with the status appearing to have been sent, then the passed status here would be OK). This is guaranteed to always be the final call on a listener. No further callbacks will be issued.

      This method should return quickly, as the same thread may be used to process other streams.

      status - details about the remote closure