Class ServiceConfigUtil


public final class ServiceConfigUtil extends Object
Helper utility to work with service configs.

This class contains helper methods to parse service config JSON values into Java types.

  • Method Details

    • getHealthCheckedService

      @Nullable public static Map<String,?> getHealthCheckedService(@Nullable Map<String,?> serviceConfig)
      Fetches the health-checked service config from service config. null if can't find one.
    • getHealthCheckedServiceName

      @Nullable public static String getHealthCheckedServiceName(@Nullable Map<String,?> healthCheckedServiceConfig)
      Fetches the health-checked service name from health-checked service config. null if can't find one.
    • getLoadBalancingConfigsFromServiceConfig

      public static List<Map<String,?>> getLoadBalancingConfigsFromServiceConfig(Map<String,?> serviceConfig)
      Extracts load balancing configs from a service config.
    • unwrapLoadBalancingConfig

      public static ServiceConfigUtil.LbConfig unwrapLoadBalancingConfig(Map<String,?> lbConfig)
      Unwrap a LoadBalancingConfig JSON object into a ServiceConfigUtil.LbConfig. The input is a JSON object (map) with exactly one entry, where the key is the policy name and the value is a config object for that policy.
    • unwrapLoadBalancingConfigList

      public static List<ServiceConfigUtil.LbConfig> unwrapLoadBalancingConfigList(List<Map<String,?>> list)
      Given a JSON list of LoadBalancingConfigs, and convert it into a list of LbConfig.
    • selectLbPolicyFromList

      public static NameResolver.ConfigOrError selectLbPolicyFromList(List<ServiceConfigUtil.LbConfig> lbConfigs, LoadBalancerRegistry lbRegistry)
      Parses and selects a load balancing policy from a non-empty list of raw configs. If selection is successful, the returned ConfigOrError object will include a ServiceConfigUtil.PolicySelection as its config value.