Package io.grpc.stub

Class ServerCalls


public final class ServerCalls extends Object
Utility functions for adapting ServerCallHandlers to application service implementation, meant to be used by the generated code.
  • Method Details

    • asyncUnaryCall

      public static <ReqT, RespT> ServerCallHandler<ReqT,RespT> asyncUnaryCall(ServerCalls.UnaryMethod<ReqT,RespT> method)
      Creates a ServerCallHandler for a unary call method of the service.
      method - an adaptor to the actual method on the service implementation.
    • asyncServerStreamingCall

      public static <ReqT, RespT> ServerCallHandler<ReqT,RespT> asyncServerStreamingCall(ServerCalls.ServerStreamingMethod<ReqT,RespT> method)
      Creates a ServerCallHandler for a server streaming method of the service.
      method - an adaptor to the actual method on the service implementation.
    • asyncClientStreamingCall

      public static <ReqT, RespT> ServerCallHandler<ReqT,RespT> asyncClientStreamingCall(ServerCalls.ClientStreamingMethod<ReqT,RespT> method)
      Creates a ServerCallHandler for a client streaming method of the service.
      method - an adaptor to the actual method on the service implementation.
    • asyncBidiStreamingCall

      public static <ReqT, RespT> ServerCallHandler<ReqT,RespT> asyncBidiStreamingCall(ServerCalls.BidiStreamingMethod<ReqT,RespT> method)
      Creates a ServerCallHandler for a bidi streaming method of the service.
      method - an adaptor to the actual method on the service implementation.
    • asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall

      public static void asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(MethodDescriptor<?,?> methodDescriptor, StreamObserver<?> responseObserver)
      Sets unimplemented status for method on given response stream for unary call.
      methodDescriptor - of method for which error will be thrown.
      responseObserver - on which error will be set.
    • asyncUnimplementedStreamingCall

      public static <ReqT> StreamObserver<ReqT> asyncUnimplementedStreamingCall(MethodDescriptor<?,?> methodDescriptor, StreamObserver<?> responseObserver)
      Sets unimplemented status for streaming call.
      methodDescriptor - of method for which error will be thrown.
      responseObserver - on which error will be set.