Class ExtensionRegistry


public class ExtensionRegistry extends
A table of known extensions, searchable by name or field number. When parsing a protocol message that might have extensions, you must provide an ExtensionRegistry in which you have registered any extensions that you want to be able to parse. Otherwise, those extensions will just be treated like unknown fields.

For example, if you had the .proto file:

 option java_class = "MyProto";

 message Foo {
   extensions 1000 to max;

 extend Foo {
   optional int32 bar;
Then you might write code like:
 ExtensionRegistry registry = ExtensionRegistry.newInstance();
 MyProto.Foo message = MyProto.Foo.parseFrom(input, registry);


You might wonder why this is necessary. Two alternatives might come to mind. First, you might imagine a system where generated extensions are automatically registered when their containing classes are loaded. This is a popular technique, but is bad design; among other things, it creates a situation where behavior can change depending on what classes happen to be loaded. It also introduces a security vulnerability, because an unprivileged class could cause its code to be called unexpectedly from a privileged class by registering itself as an extension of the right type.

Another option you might consider is lazy parsing: do not parse an extension until it is first requested, at which point the caller must provide a type to use. This introduces a different set of problems. First, it would require a mutex lock any time an extension was accessed, which would be slow. Second, corrupt data would not be detected until first access, at which point it would be much harder to deal with it. Third, it could violate the expectation that message objects are immutable, since the type provided could be any arbitrary message class. An unprivileged user could take advantage of this to inject a mutable object into a message belonging to privileged code and create mischief.

  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      public static ExtensionRegistry newInstance()
      Construct a new, empty instance.
    • getEmptyRegistry

      public static ExtensionRegistry getEmptyRegistry()
      Get the unmodifiable singleton empty instance.
    • getUnmodifiable

      public ExtensionRegistry getUnmodifiable()
      Returns an unmodifiable view of the registry.
      getUnmodifiable in class
    • findExtensionByName

      @Deprecated public ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo findExtensionByName(String fullName)
      Deprecated. Use findImmutableExtensionByName(String) instead.
    • findImmutableExtensionByName

      public ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo findImmutableExtensionByName(String fullName)
      Find an extension for immutable APIs by fully-qualified field name, in the proto namespace. i.e. result.descriptor.fullName() will match fullName if a match is found.
      Information about the extension if found, or null otherwise.
    • findMutableExtensionByName

      @Deprecated public ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo findMutableExtensionByName(String fullName)
      Find an extension for mutable APIs by fully-qualified field name, in the proto namespace. i.e. result.descriptor.fullName() will match fullName if a match is found.
      Information about the extension if found, or null otherwise.
    • findExtensionByNumber

      @Deprecated public ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo findExtensionByNumber(Descriptors.Descriptor containingType, int fieldNumber)
    • findImmutableExtensionByNumber

      public ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo findImmutableExtensionByNumber(Descriptors.Descriptor containingType, int fieldNumber)
      Find an extension by containing type and field number for immutable APIs.
      Information about the extension if found, or null otherwise.
    • findMutableExtensionByNumber

      @Deprecated public ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo findMutableExtensionByNumber(Descriptors.Descriptor containingType, int fieldNumber)
      Find an extension by containing type and field number for mutable APIs.
      Information about the extension if found, or null otherwise.
    • getAllMutableExtensionsByExtendedType

      @Deprecated public Set<ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo> getAllMutableExtensionsByExtendedType(String fullName)
      Find all extensions for mutable APIs by fully-qualified name of extended class. Note that this method is more computationally expensive than getting a single extension by name or number.
      Information about the extensions found, or null if there are none.
    • getAllImmutableExtensionsByExtendedType

      public Set<ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo> getAllImmutableExtensionsByExtendedType(String fullName)
      Find all extensions for immutable APIs by fully-qualified name of extended class. Note that this method is more computationally expensive than getting a single extension by name or number.
      Information about the extensions found, or null if there are none.
    • add

      public void add(Extension<?,?> extension)
      Add an extension from a generated file to the registry.
    • add

      public void add(GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<?,?> extension)
      Add an extension from a generated file to the registry.
    • add

      public void add(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor type)
      Add a non-message-type extension to the registry by descriptor.
    • add

      public void add(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor type, Message defaultInstance)
      Add a message-type extension to the registry by descriptor.