Class TextFormat.Printer

Enclosing class:

public static final class TextFormat.Printer extends Object
Helper class for converting protobufs to text.
  • Method Details

    • escapingNonAscii

      public TextFormat.Printer escapingNonAscii(boolean escapeNonAscii)
      Return a new Printer instance with the specified escape mode.
      escapeNonAscii - If true, the new Printer will escape non-ASCII characters (this is the default behavior. If false, the new Printer will print non-ASCII characters as is. In either case, the new Printer still escapes newlines and quotes in strings.
      a new Printer that clones all other configurations from the current TextFormat.Printer, with the escape mode set to the given parameter.
    • usingTypeRegistry

      public TextFormat.Printer usingTypeRegistry(TypeRegistry typeRegistry)
      Creates a new TextFormat.Printer using the given typeRegistry. The new Printer clones all other configurations from the current TextFormat.Printer.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a registry is already set.
    • usingExtensionRegistry

      public TextFormat.Printer usingExtensionRegistry( extensionRegistry)
      Creates a new TextFormat.Printer using the given extensionRegistry. The new Printer clones all other configurations from the current TextFormat.Printer.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a registry is already set.
    • emittingSingleLine

      public TextFormat.Printer emittingSingleLine(boolean singleLine)
      Return a new Printer instance with the specified line formatting status.
      singleLine - If true, the new Printer will output no newline characters.
      a new Printer that clones all other configurations from the current TextFormat.Printer, with the singleLine mode set to the given parameter.
    • print

      public void print(MessageOrBuilder message, Appendable output) throws IOException
      Outputs a textual representation of the Protocol Message supplied into the parameter output. (This representation is the new version of the classic "ProtocolPrinter" output from the original Protocol Buffer system)
    • print

      public void print(UnknownFieldSet fields, Appendable output) throws IOException
      Outputs a textual representation of fields to output.
    • printFieldToString

      public String printFieldToString(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
    • printField

      public void printField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value, Appendable output) throws IOException
    • printFieldValue

      public void printFieldValue(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value, Appendable output) throws IOException
      Outputs a textual representation of the value of given field value.
      field - the descriptor of the field
      value - the value of the field
      output - the output to which to append the formatted value
      ClassCastException - if the value is not appropriate for the given field descriptor
      IOException - if there is an exception writing to the output
    • printToString

      public String printToString(MessageOrBuilder message)
      Like print(), but writes directly to a String and returns it.
    • printToString

      public String printToString(UnknownFieldSet fields)
      Like print(), but writes directly to a String and returns it.
    • shortDebugString

      @Deprecated public String shortDebugString(MessageOrBuilder message)
      Use this.printer().emittingSingleLine(true).printToString(MessageOrBuilder)
      Generates a human readable form of this message, useful for debugging and other purposes, with no newline characters.
    • shortDebugString

      @Deprecated @InlineMe(replacement="this.emittingSingleLine(true).printFieldToString(field, value)") public String shortDebugString(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
      Use this.emittingSingleLine(true).printFieldToString(FieldDescriptor, Object)
      Generates a human readable form of the field, useful for debugging and other purposes, with no newline characters.
    • shortDebugString

      @Deprecated @InlineMe(replacement="this.emittingSingleLine(true).printToString(fields)") public String shortDebugString(UnknownFieldSet fields)
      Use this.emittingSingleLine(true).printToString(UnknownFieldSet)
      Generates a human readable form of the unknown fields, useful for debugging and other purposes, with no newline characters.