Class JsonFormat.Parser

Enclosing class:

public static class JsonFormat.Parser extends Object
A Parser parses the proto3 JSON format into a protobuf message.
  • Method Details

    • usingTypeRegistry

      public JsonFormat.Parser usingTypeRegistry(JsonFormat.TypeRegistry oldRegistry)
      Creates a new JsonFormat.Parser using the given registry. The new Parser clones all other configurations from this Parser.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a registry is already set
    • usingTypeRegistry

      public JsonFormat.Parser usingTypeRegistry(TypeRegistry registry)
      Creates a new JsonFormat.Parser using the given registry. The new Parser clones all other configurations from this Parser.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a registry is already set
    • ignoringUnknownFields

      public JsonFormat.Parser ignoringUnknownFields()
      Creates a new JsonFormat.Parser configured to not throw an exception when an unknown field is encountered. The new Parser clones all other configurations from this Parser.
    • merge

      public void merge(String json, Message.Builder builder) throws
      Parses from the proto3 JSON format into a protobuf message.
      Throws: - if the input is not valid JSON proto3 format or there are unknown fields in the input.
    • merge

      public void merge(Reader json, Message.Builder builder) throws IOException
      Parses from the proto3 JSON encoding into a protobuf message.
      Throws: - if the input is not valid proto3 JSON format or there are unknown fields in the input
      IOException - if reading from the input throws