Package io.grpc

Class Codec.Identity

All Implemented Interfaces:
Codec, Compressor, Decompressor
Enclosing interface:

public static final class Codec.Identity extends Object implements Codec
The "identity", or "none" codec. This codec is special in that it can be used to explicitly disable Call compression on a Channel that by default compresses.
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      public static final Codec NONE
      Special sentinel codec indicating that no compression should be used. Users should use reference equality to see if compression is disabled.
  • Method Details

    • decompress

      public InputStream decompress(InputStream is)
      Description copied from interface: Decompressor
      Wraps an existing input stream with a decompressing input stream.
      Specified by:
      decompress in interface Decompressor
      is - The input stream of uncompressed data
      An input stream that decompresses
    • getMessageEncoding

      public String getMessageEncoding()
      Description copied from interface: Compressor
      Returns the message encoding that this compressor uses.

      This can be values such as "gzip", "deflate", "snappy", etc.

      Specified by:
      getMessageEncoding in interface Compressor
      Specified by:
      getMessageEncoding in interface Decompressor
    • compress

      public OutputStream compress(OutputStream os)
      Description copied from interface: Compressor
      Wraps an existing output stream with a compressing output stream.
      Specified by:
      compress in interface Compressor
      os - The output stream of uncompressed data
      An output stream that compresses