Package io.grpc

Interface MethodDescriptor.Marshaller<T>

Type Parameters:
T - type of serializable message
All Known Subinterfaces:
MethodDescriptor.PrototypeMarshaller<T>, MethodDescriptor.ReflectableMarshaller<T>
Enclosing class:

public static interface MethodDescriptor.Marshaller<T>
A typed abstraction over message serialization and deserialization, a.k.a. marshalling and unmarshalling.

Stub implementations will define implementations of this interface for each of the request and response messages provided by a service.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Given an InputStream parse it into an instance of the declared type so that it can be passed to application code.
    stream(T value)
    Given a message, produce an InputStream for it so that it can be written to the wire.
  • Method Details

    • stream

      InputStream stream(T value)
      Given a message, produce an InputStream for it so that it can be written to the wire. Where possible implementations should produce streams that are KnownLength to improve transport efficiency.
      value - to serialize.
      serialized value as stream of bytes.
    • parse

      T parse(InputStream stream)
      Given an InputStream parse it into an instance of the declared type so that it can be passed to application code.
      stream - of bytes for serialized value
      parsed value