Package io.grpc

Class TlsServerCredentials


public final class TlsServerCredentials extends ServerCredentials
TLS credentials, providing server identity and encryption. Consumers of this credential must verify they understand the configuration via the incomprehensible() method. Unless overridden by a Feature, server identity is provided via getCertificateChain(), getPrivateKey(), and getPrivateKeyPassword().
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static ServerCredentials create(File certChain, File privateKey) throws IOException
      Creates an instance using provided certificate chain and private key. Generally they should be PEM-encoded and the key is an unencrypted PKCS#8 key (file headers have "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" and "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY").
    • create

      public static ServerCredentials create(InputStream certChain, InputStream privateKey) throws IOException
      Creates an instance using provided certificate chain and private key. Generally they should be PEM-encoded and the key is an unencrypted PKCS#8 key (file headers have "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" and "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY").

      The streams will not be automatically closed.

    • getCertificateChain

      public byte[] getCertificateChain()
      The certificate chain for the server's identity, as a new byte array. Generally should be PEM-encoded. If null, some feature is providing key manager information via a different method.
    • getPrivateKey

      public byte[] getPrivateKey()
      The private key for the server's identity, as a new byte array. Generally should be in PKCS#8 format. If encrypted, getPrivateKeyPassword() is the decryption key. If unencrypted, the password will be null. If null, some feature is providing key manager information via a different method.
    • getPrivateKeyPassword

      public String getPrivateKeyPassword()
      Returns the password to decrypt the private key, or null if unencrypted.
    • getKeyManagers

      public List<KeyManager> getKeyManagers()
      Returns the key manager list which provides the server's identity. Entries are scanned checking for specific types, like X509KeyManager. Only a single entry for a type is used. Entries earlier in the list are higher priority. If null, key manager information is provided via a different method.
    • getClientAuth

      public TlsServerCredentials.ClientAuth getClientAuth()
      Non-null setting indicating whether the server should expect a client's identity.
    • getRootCertificates

      public byte[] getRootCertificates()
      Root trust certificates for verifying the client's identity that override the system's defaults. Generally PEM-encoded with multiple certificates concatenated.
    • getTrustManagers

      public List<TrustManager> getTrustManagers()
      Returns the trust manager list which verifies the client's identity. Entries are scanned checking for specific types, like X509TrustManager. Only a single entry for a type is used. Entries earlier in the list are higher priority. If null, trust manager information is provided via the system's default or a different method.
    • incomprehensible

      public Set<TlsServerCredentials.Feature> incomprehensible(Set<TlsServerCredentials.Feature> understoodFeatures)
      Returns an empty set if this credential can be adequately understood via the features listed, otherwise returns a hint of features that are lacking to understand the configuration to be used for manual debugging.

      An "understood" feature does not imply the caller is able to fully handle the feature. It simply means the caller understands the feature enough to use the appropriate APIs to read the configuration. The caller may support just a subset of a feature, in which case the caller would need to look at the configuration to determine if only the supported subset is used.

      This method may not be as simple as a set difference. There may be multiple features that can independently satisfy a piece of configuration. If the configuration is incomprehensible, all such features would be returned, even though only one may be necessary.

      An empty set does not imply that the credentials are fully understood. There may be optional configuration that can be ignored if not understood.

      Since Feature is an enum, understoodFeatures should generally be an EnumSet. understoodFeatures will not be modified.

      understoodFeatures - the features understood by the caller
      empty set if the caller can adequately understand the configuration
    • newBuilder

      public static TlsServerCredentials.Builder newBuilder()
      Creates a builder for changing default configuration. There is no default key manager, so key material must be specified. The default trust manager uses the system's root certificates. By default no client authentication will occur.