Class AbstractServerStream.TransportState

All Implemented Interfaces:
io.grpc.internal.ApplicationThreadDeframerListener.TransportExecutor, MessageDeframer.Listener
Enclosing class:

protected abstract static class AbstractServerStream.TransportState extends AbstractStream.TransportState
This should only be called from the transport thread (except for private interactions with AbstractServerStream).
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setListener

      public final void setListener(ServerStreamListener listener)
      Sets the listener to receive notifications. Must be called in the context of the transport thread.
    • onStreamAllocated

      public final void onStreamAllocated()
      Description copied from class: AbstractStream.TransportState
      Event handler to be called by the subclass when the stream's headers have passed any connection flow control (i.e., MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS). It may call the listener's StreamListener.onReady() handler if appropriate. This must be called from the transport thread, since the listener may be called back directly.
      onStreamAllocated in class AbstractStream.TransportState
    • deframerClosed

      public void deframerClosed(boolean hasPartialMessage)
      Description copied from interface: MessageDeframer.Listener
      Called when the deframer closes.
      hasPartialMessage - whether the deframer contained an incomplete message at closing.
    • listener

      protected ServerStreamListener listener()
      Description copied from class: AbstractStream.TransportState
      Override this method to provide a stream listener.
      Specified by:
      listener in class AbstractStream.TransportState
    • inboundDataReceived

      public void inboundDataReceived(ReadableBuffer frame, boolean endOfStream)
      Called in the transport thread to process the content of an inbound DATA frame from the client.
      frame - the inbound HTTP/2 DATA frame. If this buffer is not used immediately, it must be retained.
      endOfStream - true if no more data will be received on the stream.
    • transportReportStatus

      public final void transportReportStatus(Status status)
      Notifies failure to the listener of the stream. The transport is responsible for notifying the client of the failure independent of this method.

      Unlike AbstractServerStream.close(Status, Metadata), this method is only called from the transport. The transport should use this method instead of close(Status) for internal errors to prevent exposing unexpected states and exceptions to the application.

      status - the error status. Must not be Status.OK.
    • complete

      public void complete()
      Indicates the stream is considered completely closed and there is no further opportunity for error. It calls the listener's closed() if it was not already done by transportReportStatus(io.grpc.Status).