Class ServerImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
InternalInstrumented<InternalChannelz.ServerStats>, InternalWithLogId

public final class ServerImpl extends Server implements InternalInstrumented<InternalChannelz.ServerStats>
Default implementation of Server, for creation by transports.

Expected usage (by a theoretical TCP transport):

public class TcpTransportServerFactory {
   public static Server newServer(Executor executor, HandlerRegistry registry,
       String configuration) {
     return new ServerImpl(executor, registry, new TcpTransportServer(configuration));

Starting the server starts the underlying transport for servicing requests. Stopping the server stops servicing new requests and waits for all connections to terminate.

  • Method Details

    • start

      public ServerImpl start() throws IOException
      Bind and start the server.
      Specified by:
      start in class Server
      this object
      IllegalStateException - if already started
      IOException - if unable to bind
    • getPort

      public int getPort()
      Description copied from class: Server
      Returns the port number the server is listening on. This can return -1 if there is no actual port or the result otherwise does not make sense. Result is undefined after the server is terminated. If there are multiple possible ports, this will return one arbitrarily. Implementations are encouraged to return the same port on each call.
      getPort in class Server
      See Also:
    • getListenSockets

      public List<SocketAddress> getListenSockets()
      Description copied from class: Server
      Returns a list of listening sockets for this server. May be different than the originally requested sockets (e.g. listening on port '0' may end up listening on a different port). The list is unmodifiable.
      getListenSockets in class Server
    • getServices

      public List<ServerServiceDefinition> getServices()
      Description copied from class: Server
      Returns all services registered with the server, or an empty list if not supported by the implementation.
      getServices in class Server
    • getImmutableServices

      public List<ServerServiceDefinition> getImmutableServices()
      Description copied from class: Server
      Returns immutable services registered with the server, or an empty list if not supported by the implementation.
      getImmutableServices in class Server
    • getMutableServices

      public List<ServerServiceDefinition> getMutableServices()
      Description copied from class: Server
      Returns mutable services registered with the server, or an empty list if not supported by the implementation.
      getMutableServices in class Server
    • shutdown

      public ServerImpl shutdown()
      Initiates an orderly shutdown in which preexisting calls continue but new calls are rejected.
      Specified by:
      shutdown in class Server
      this object
    • shutdownNow

      public ServerImpl shutdownNow()
      Description copied from class: Server
      Initiates a forceful shutdown in which preexisting and new calls are rejected. Although forceful, the shutdown process is still not instantaneous; Server.isTerminated() will likely return false immediately after this method returns. After this call returns, this server has released the listening socket(s) and may be reused by another server.

      Calling this method before start() will shut down and terminate the server like normal, but prevents starting the server in the future.

      Specified by:
      shutdownNow in class Server
      this object
    • isShutdown

      public boolean isShutdown()
      Description copied from class: Server
      Returns whether the server is shutdown. Shutdown servers reject any new calls, but may still have some calls being processed.
      Specified by:
      isShutdown in class Server
      See Also:
    • awaitTermination

      public boolean awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException
      Description copied from class: Server
      Waits for the server to become terminated, giving up if the timeout is reached.

      Calling this method before start() or shutdown() is permitted and does not change its behavior.

      Specified by:
      awaitTermination in class Server
      whether the server is terminated, as would be done by Server.isTerminated().
    • awaitTermination

      public void awaitTermination() throws InterruptedException
      Description copied from class: Server
      Waits for the server to become terminated.

      Calling this method before start() or shutdown() is permitted and does not change its behavior.

      Specified by:
      awaitTermination in class Server
    • isTerminated

      public boolean isTerminated()
      Description copied from class: Server
      Returns whether the server is terminated. Terminated servers have no running calls and relevant resources released (like TCP connections).
      Specified by:
      isTerminated in class Server
      See Also:
    • getLogId

      public InternalLogId getLogId()
      Description copied from interface: InternalWithLogId
      Returns an ID that is primarily used in debug logs. It usually contains the class name and a numeric ID that is unique among the instances.

      The subclasses of this interface usually want to include the log ID in their Object.toString() results.

      Specified by:
      getLogId in interface InternalWithLogId
    • getStats

      public<InternalChannelz.ServerStats> getStats()
      Description copied from interface: InternalInstrumented
      Returns the stats object.
      Specified by:
      getStats in interface InternalInstrumented<InternalChannelz.ServerStats>
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object