Interface WritableBuffer

public interface WritableBuffer
An interface for a byte buffer that can only be written to. WritableBuffers are a generic way to transfer bytes to the concrete network transports, like Netty and OkHttp.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the number of bytes one can read from the buffer.
    Releases the buffer, indicating to the WritableBufferAllocator that this buffer is no longer used and its resources can be reused.
    Returns the number of bytes one can write to the buffer.
    write(byte b)
    Appends a single byte to the buffer.
    write(byte[] src, int srcIndex, int length)
    Appends length bytes to the buffer from the source array starting at srcIndex.
  • Method Details

    • write

      void write(byte[] src, int srcIndex, int length)
      Appends length bytes to the buffer from the source array starting at srcIndex.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the specified srcIndex is less than 0, if srcIndex + length is greater than src.length, or if length is greater than writableBytes()
    • write

      void write(byte b)
      Appends a single byte to the buffer. This is slow so don't call it.
    • writableBytes

      int writableBytes()
      Returns the number of bytes one can write to the buffer.
    • readableBytes

      int readableBytes()
      Returns the number of bytes one can read from the buffer.
    • release

      void release()
      Releases the buffer, indicating to the WritableBufferAllocator that this buffer is no longer used and its resources can be reused.