Package io.grpc.netty

Class NettyServerProvider


@Internal public final class NettyServerProvider extends ServerProvider
Provider for NettyServerBuilder instances.
  • Constructor Details

    • NettyServerProvider

      public NettyServerProvider()
  • Method Details

    • isAvailable

      protected boolean isAvailable()
      Description copied from class: ServerProvider
      Whether this provider is available for use, taking the current environment into consideration. If false, no other methods are safe to be called.
      Specified by:
      isAvailable in class ServerProvider
    • priority

      protected int priority()
      Description copied from class: ServerProvider
      A priority, from 0 to 10 that this provider should be used, taking the current environment into consideration. 5 should be considered the default, and then tweaked based on environment detection. A priority of 0 does not imply that the provider wouldn't work; just that it should be last in line.
      Specified by:
      priority in class ServerProvider
    • builderForPort

      protected NettyServerBuilder builderForPort(int port)
      Description copied from class: ServerProvider
      Creates a new builder with the given port.
      Specified by:
      builderForPort in class ServerProvider
    • newServerBuilderForPort

      protected ServerProvider.NewServerBuilderResult newServerBuilderForPort(int port, ServerCredentials creds)
      Description copied from class: ServerProvider
      Creates a new builder with the given port and credentials. Returns an error-string result if unable to understand the credentials.
      newServerBuilderForPort in class ServerProvider