Package io.grpc

Class ServerProvider

Direct Known Subclasses:

@Internal public abstract class ServerProvider extends Object
Provider of servers for transport agnostic consumption.

Implementations can be automatically discovered by gRPC via Java's SPI mechanism. For automatic discovery, the implementation must have a zero-argument constructor and include a resource named META-INF/services/io.grpc.ServerProvider in their JAR. The file's contents should be the implementation's class name.

Implementations should not throw. If they do, it may interrupt class loading. If exceptions may reasonably occur for implementation-specific reasons, implementations should generally handle the exception gracefully and return false from isAvailable().

  • Constructor Details

    • ServerProvider

      public ServerProvider()
  • Method Details

    • provider

      public static ServerProvider provider()
      Returns the ClassLoader-wide default server.
      ManagedChannelProvider.ProviderNotFoundException - if no provider is available
    • isAvailable

      protected abstract boolean isAvailable()
      Whether this provider is available for use, taking the current environment into consideration. If false, no other methods are safe to be called.
    • priority

      protected abstract int priority()
      A priority, from 0 to 10 that this provider should be used, taking the current environment into consideration. 5 should be considered the default, and then tweaked based on environment detection. A priority of 0 does not imply that the provider wouldn't work; just that it should be last in line.
    • builderForPort

      protected abstract ServerBuilder<?> builderForPort(int port)
      Creates a new builder with the given port.
    • newServerBuilderForPort

      protected ServerProvider.NewServerBuilderResult newServerBuilderForPort(int port, ServerCredentials creds)
      Creates a new builder with the given port and credentials. Returns an error-string result if unable to understand the credentials.