Annotation Interface RpcMethod

@Retention(CLASS) @Target(METHOD) public @interface RpcMethod
RpcMethod contains a limited subset of information about the RPC to assist Java Annotation Processors.

This annotation is used by the gRPC stub compiler to annotate MethodDescriptor getters. Users should not annotate their own classes with this annotation. Not all stubs may have this annotation, so consumers should not assume that it is present.

  • Element Details

    • fullMethodName

      String fullMethodName
      The fully qualified method name. This should match the name as returned by MethodDescriptor.generateFullMethodName(String, String).
    • requestType

      Class<?> requestType
      The request type of the method. The request type class should be assignable from (i.e. Class.isAssignableFrom(Class) the request type ReqT of the MethodDescriptor. Additionally, if the request MethodDescriptor.Marshaller is a MethodDescriptor.ReflectableMarshaller, the request type should be assignable from MethodDescriptor.ReflectableMarshaller#getMessageClass().
    • responseType

      Class<?> responseType
      The response type of the method. The response type class should be assignable from (i.e. Class.isAssignableFrom(Class) the response type RespT of the MethodDescriptor. Additionally, if the response MethodDescriptor.Marshaller is a MethodDescriptor.ReflectableMarshaller, the response type should be assignable from MethodDescriptor.ReflectableMarshaller#getMessageClass().
    • methodType

      The call type of the method.