Package io.grpc.util

Class OutlierDetectionLoadBalancer


@Internal public final class OutlierDetectionLoadBalancer extends LoadBalancer
Wraps a child LoadBalancer while monitoring for outlier backends and removing them from the use of the child LB.

This implements the outlier detection gRFC:

The implementation maintains two maps. Each endpoint status is tracked using an EndpointTracker. E.g. for two endpoints with these address list and their tracker: Endpoint e1 : [a1, a2] is tracked with EndpointTracker t1 Endpoint e2 : [a3] is tracked with EndpointTracker t2 The two maps are: First, addressMap maps from socket address -> endpoint tracker : [a1 -> t1, a2 -> t1, a3 -> t2] EndpointTracker has reference to all the subchannels of the corresponding endpoint. Second, trackerMap maps from unordered address set -> endpoint tracker. Updated upon address updates.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • acceptResolvedAddresses

      public Status acceptResolvedAddresses(LoadBalancer.ResolvedAddresses resolvedAddresses)
      Description copied from class: LoadBalancer
      Accepts newly resolved addresses from the name resolution system. The EquivalentAddressGroup addresses should be considered equivalent but may be flattened into a single list if needed.

      Implementations can choose to reject the given addresses by returning false.

      Implementations should not modify the given addresses.

      acceptResolvedAddresses in class LoadBalancer
      resolvedAddresses - the resolved server addresses, attributes, and config.
      true if the resolved addresses were accepted. false if rejected.
    • handleNameResolutionError

      public void handleNameResolutionError(Status error)
      Description copied from class: LoadBalancer
      Handles an error from the name resolution system.
      Specified by:
      handleNameResolutionError in class LoadBalancer
      error - a non-OK status
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
      Description copied from class: LoadBalancer
      The channel asks the load-balancer to shutdown. No more methods on this class will be called after this method. The implementation should shutdown all Subchannels and OOB channels, and do any other cleanup as necessary.
      Specified by:
      shutdown in class LoadBalancer