All Classes and Interfaces

Stub implementations for async stubs.
Stub implementations for blocking stubs.
The abstract base class for ClientStream implementations.
A sink for outbound operations, separated from the stream simply to avoid name collisions/confusion.
This should only be called from the transport thread.
Stub implementations for future stubs.
A partial implementation of the Message interface which implements as many methods of that interface as possible in terms of other methods.
A partial implementation of the Message.Builder interface which implements as many methods of that interface as possible in terms of other methods.
Interface for the parent of a Builder that allows the builder to communicate invalidations back to the parent for use when using nested builders.
Abstract base class for ReadableBuffer implementations.
Abstract base class for ServerStream implementations.
A sink for outbound operations, separated from the stream simply to avoid name collisions/confusion.
This should only be called from the transport thread (except for private interactions with AbstractServerStream).
The stream and stream state as used by the application.
Stream state as used by the transport.
Common base type for stub implementations.
A factory class for stub.
AdvancedTlsX509KeyManager is an X509ExtendedKeyManager that allows users to configure advanced TLS features, such as private key and certificate chain reloading.
Mainly used to avoid throwing IO Exceptions in
AdvancedTlsX509TrustManager is an X509ExtendedTrustManager that allows users to configure advanced TLS features, such as root certificate reloading and peer cert custom verification.
The verification mode when authenticating the peer certificate.
AlwaysCachingResourceProvider is a ResourceProvider which caches everything in memory.
AlwaysThingProvider is a ThingProvider which never returns null, but always a Thing.
AlwaysThingProviderAdapter is a ThingProviderAdapter which is an AlwaysThingProvider.
Custom SocketAddress class for InProcessTransport, for a server which can only be referenced via this address instance.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Any
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Any
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Api
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Api
Sits between AbstractStream.TransportState and MessageDeframer to deframe in the client thread.
A long atomically updated due to errors caused by the value being too small.
An immutable type-safe container of attributes.
The helper class to build an Attributes instance.
Key for an key-value pair.
Determines how long to wait before doing some action (typically a retry, or a reconnect).
Bi-directional alternative to Converter.
A binary log that can be installed on a channel or server.
Provides a way to bind instance of service implementation to server.
Abstract interface for a blocking RPC channel.
Blocking equivalent to Service.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.BoolValue
Protobuf type google.protobuf.BoolValue
Immutable Sequence of Bytes, of variable (but obviously fixed) length.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.BytesValue
Protobuf type google.protobuf.BytesValue
NamespaceRepository which caches another one.
Tagging interface for MetricInstruments that can be used with batch callbacks.
Carries credential data that will be propagated to the server via request metadata for each RPC.
The outlet of the produced headers.
The request-related information passed to CallCredentials.applyRequestMetadata().
The collection of runtime options for a new RPC call.
Key for a key-value pair.
A refinement of StreamObserver provided by the GRPC runtime to the application (the client or the server) that allows for more complex interactions with call behavior.
ConverterInto which catches any failures and wraps them into ConversionException.
ResourceConverter which catches any failures and wraps them into ConversionException.
Contains certificate/key PEM file utility method(s).
Change Token ("Tag") for ReadableResource.changeToken().
A virtual connection to a conceptual endpoint, to perform RPCs.
Represents a security configuration to be used for channels.
A Channel-specific logger provided by GRPC library to LoadBalancer implementations.
Log levels.
Copies all characters from the input into the output resource.
Consumer-like functional interface which can throw a checked exception.
Predicate-like functional interface which can throw a checked exception.
Supplier-like functional interface which can throw a checked exception.
Provides a list of ChannelCredentials, where any one may be used.
Provides a list of ServerCredentials, where any one may be used.
ReadableResource on Java Classpath; e.g.
An instance of a call to a remote method.
Callbacks for receiving metadata, response messages and completion status from the server.
Utility functions for processing different call idioms.
A refinement of CallStreamObserver that allows for lower-level interaction with client calls.
Interface for intercepting outgoing calls before they are dispatched by a Channel.
Utility methods for working with ClientInterceptors.
A ForwardingClientCall that delivers exceptions from its start logic to the call listener.
Specialization of StreamObserver implemented by clients in order to interact with the advanced features of a call such as flow-control.
Extension of Stream to support client-side termination semantics.
An observer of client-side stream events.
The progress of the RPC when client stream listener is closed.
StreamTracer for the client-side.
Factory class for ClientStreamTracer.
Information about a stream.
The client-side transport typically encapsulating a single connection to a remote server.
A callback that is invoked when the acknowledgement to a, java.util.concurrent.Executor) is received.
Pre-configured factory for creating ConnectionClientTransport instances.
Listens on the client transport life-cycle events.
Closeable Resource.
Encloses classes related to the compression and decompression of messages.
A gzip compressor and decompressor.
The "identity", or "none" codec.
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.CompactThing
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.CompactThing
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.CompactThings
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.CompactThings
Uses multiple CallCredentials as if they were one.
ChannelCredentials which use per-RPC CallCredentials.
A ReadableBuffer that is composed of 0 or more ReadableBuffers.
Represents a message compressor.
Encloses classes related to the compression and decompression of messages.
A ManagedClientTransport that is based on a connection.
The connectivity states.
A tuple of a ConnectivityState and its associated Status.
Utility to load dynamically Conscrypt when it is available.
Contexts 🧿 put things into perspective!
A context propagation mechanism which can carry scoped-values across API boundaries and between threads.
A context which inherits cancellation from its parent but which can also be independently cancelled and which will propagate cancellation to its descendants.
A listener notified on context cancellation.
Key for indexing values stored in a context.
Defines the mechanisms for attaching and detaching the "current" context.
Utility methods for working with Contexts in GRPC.
Failures encountered by ConverterInto, Converter and BiConverter implementations.
Converts an object of type I to a new object of type O.
Converts an object of type I into an existing object of type O.
Converts an object of type I into characters written to an Appendable.
A "chain" of ConverterIntos.
The text/vnd.datalog Media Types for; as specified by the assignment.
Resource I/O implementation for RFC 2397 data: URLs.
Annotation used to define a container DataSource to be registered with JNDI.
Declares one or more DataSourceDefinition annotations.
All built-in Datatypes.
Enola's built-in core datatypes.
Datatypes for
Datatypes for XML Schema (XSD).
An absolute point in time, generally for tracking when a task should be completed.
Time source representing nanoseconds since fixed but arbitrary point in time.
Provides an explicit API for unstable, redacting debug output suitable for debug logging.
Used by application to declare security roles.
Represents a message decompressor.
Encloses classes related to the compression and decompression of messages.
Interface for deframing gRPC messages.
A call that queues requests before a real call is ready to be delegated to.
Specifies that no security roles are allowed to invoke the specified method(s).
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.Edition
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions.Declaration
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions.Declaration
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions.VerificationState
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FeatureSet
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FeatureSet
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FeatureSet.EnumType
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FeatureSet.FieldPresence
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FeatureSet.JsonFormat
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FeatureSet.MessageEncoding
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FeatureSet.RepeatedFieldEncoding
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FeatureSet.Utf8Validation
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FeatureSetDefaults
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FeatureSetDefaults
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FeatureSetDefaults.FeatureSetEditionDefault
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FeatureSetDefaults.FeatureSetEditionDefault
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Type
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldOptions
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FieldOptions.CType
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldOptions.EditionDefault
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldOptions.EditionDefault
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldOptions.FeatureSupport
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldOptions.FeatureSupport
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FieldOptions.JSType
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FieldOptions.OptionRetention
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FieldOptions.OptionTargetType
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FileOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FileOptions
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.FileOptions.OptimizeMode
Protobuf type google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo
Protobuf type google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation
Protobuf type google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation.Semantic
Protobuf type google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo
Protobuf type google.protobuf.MessageOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.MessageOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.MethodOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.MethodOptions
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.MethodOptions.IdempotencyLevel
Protobuf type google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.OneofOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.OneofOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ServiceOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ServiceOptions
Protobuf type google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo
Protobuf type google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo
Protobuf type google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location
Protobuf type google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart
Contains a collection of classes which describe protocol message types.
Describes a message type.
Thrown when building descriptors fails because the source DescriptorProtos are not valid.
Describes an enum type.
Describes one value within an enum type.
Describes a field of a message type.
Describes a .proto file, including everything defined within.
All descriptors implement this to make it easier to implement tools like DescriptorPool.
Describes one method within a service type.
Describes a oneof of a message type.
Describes a service type.
An extension of InputStream that allows the underlying data source to be detached and transferred to a new instance of the same kind.
Parsers to discard unknown fields during parsing.
A DNS-based NameResolver.
AddressResolver resolves a hostname into a list of addresses.
Used as a DNS-based name resolver's internal representation of resolution result.
DnsNameResolver.ResourceResolver is a Dns ResourceRecord resolver.
Describes a parsed SRV record.
A provider for DnsNameResolver.
Represents a double-valued counter metric instrument.
Represents a double-valued histogram metric instrument.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DoubleValue
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DoubleValue
Extension to an InputStream or alike by adding a method that transfers all content to an OutputStream.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Duration
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Duration
Utilities to help create/manipulate protobuf/duration.proto.
An implementation of Message that can represent arbitrary types, given a Descriptors.Descriptor.
Builder for DynamicMessages.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Empty
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Empty
Read-only resources which when read are always immediately EOF (like "data:,").
🕵🏾‍♀️ Enola ✨ actionsObjects, such as 📄 Resources and structured 💾 data in 🔗 linked 👽 Things.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service EnolaService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service EnolaService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service EnolaService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service EnolaService.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Enum
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Enum
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumValue
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumValue
A group of SocketAddresses that are considered equivalent when channel makes connections.
Annotation for EquivalentAddressGroup's attributes.
Additional factory and utility methods for executors.
Indicates a public API that can change at any time, and has no guarantee of API stability and backward-compatibility.
Retry Policy for Transport reconnection.
Interface that generated extensions implement.
The API type that the extension is used for.
Type of a message extension.
A table of known extensions, searchable by name or field number.
A (Descriptor, Message) pair, returned by lookup methods.
An implementation of ClientStream that fails (by calling ClientStreamListener.closed(io.grpc.Status, io.grpc.internal.ClientStreamListener.RpcProgress, io.grpc.Metadata)) when started, and silently does nothing for the other operations.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Field
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Field
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.Field.Cardinality
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.Field.Kind
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldMask
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldMask
Utility helper functions to work with FieldMask.
Options to customize merging behavior.
Resource for "fd:0" (STDIN), "fd:1" (STDOUT), "fd:2" (STDERR) URIs.
FileGlobResolver is a GlobResolver for a "globbed" file: IRI.
Resource for a file (not a directory) at a Path on a FileSystem.
FileThingConverter converts file:/ URI into File invalid input: '&' Directory Things.
An object pool that always returns the same instance and does nothing when returning the object.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FloatValue
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FloatValue
A ManagedChannelBuilder that delegates all its builder methods to another builder by default.
A ManagedChannelBuilder that delegates all its builder methods to another builder by default.
A ClientCall which forwards all of its methods to another ClientCall.
A simplified version of ForwardingClientCall where subclasses can pass in a ClientCall as the delegate.
A ClientCall.Listener which forwards all of its methods to another ClientCall.Listener.
A simplified version of ForwardingClientCallListener where subclasses can pass in a ClientCall.Listener as the delegate.
Base class for a wrapper around another ReadableBuffer.
A ServerBuilder that delegates all its builder methods to another builder by default.
A ServerCall which forwards all of its methods to another ServerCall.
A simplified version of ForwardingServerCall where subclasses can pass in a ServerCall as the delegate.
A ServerCall.Listener which forwards all of its methods to another ServerCall.Listener of matching parameterized types.
A simplified version of ForwardingServerCallListener where subclasses can pass in a ServerCall.Listener as the delegate.
Interface for framing gRPC messages.
XDG Base Directories.
The Generated annotation is used to mark source code that has been generated.
All generated protocol message classes extend this class.
Builder class for GeneratedMessage.
Generated message builders for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.
Generated message classes for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.
Used by subclasses to serialize extensions.
Extends MessageOrBuilder with extension-related functions.
Users should ignore this class.
Type used to represent generated extensions.
This class is used to make a generated protected method inaccessible from user's code (e.g., the GeneratedMessage.newInstance( method below).
This class is deprecated, and slated for removal in the next Java breaking change (5.x).
This class is deprecated, and slated for removal in the next Java breaking change (5.x).
This class is deprecated, and slated for removal in the next Java breaking change (5.x).
This class is deprecated, and slated for removal in the next Java breaking change (5.x).
This class is deprecated, and slated for removal in the next Java breaking change (5.x).
This class is deprecated, and slated for removal in the next Java breaking change (5.x).
This method is deprecated, and slated for removal in the next Java breaking change (5.x).
Intentionally empty (currently).
Intentionally empty (currently).
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetFileDescriptorSetResponse
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetFileDescriptorSetResponse
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetThingRequest
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetThingRequest
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetThingResponse
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetThingResponse
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetThingsRequest
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetThingsRequest
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetThingsResponse
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.GetThingsResponse
MediaType of the application/gexf+xml Graph Exchange XML Format (GEXF) *.gexf in UTF-8 Character Encoding, based on §2.2 (encoding) and §8 (content-type) of GEXF Primer.
GlobResolver "expands" an URI with a "glob" to a Stream of URIs.
A load balancer that gracefully swaps to a new lb policy.
MediaType of the text/vnd.graphviz Graph Description Language DOT (*.gv) for Graphviz, in UTF-8 Character Encoding.
Stuff that are part of the public API but are not bound to particular classes, e.g., static methods, constants, attribute and context keys.
Annotation for transport attributes.
Special attributes that are only useful to gRPC.
Annotates that the class is gRPC-generated code to assist Java Annotation Processors.
gRPC wrapper for Http2ConnectionHandler.
Utility for configuring SslContext for gRPC.
Common utilities for GRPC.
Percent encode the authority based on
All error codes identified by the HTTP/2 spec.
Registry of services and their methods used by servers to dispatching incoming calls.
Extension to an InputStream whose content can be accessed as ByteBuffers.
A new LoadBalancer.Helper used by health producer systems to build health notification chain, via LoadBalancer.CreateSubchannelArgs.
HTML utilities.
Base implementation for client streams using HTTP2 as the transport.
Represents an outstanding PING operation on an HTTP/2 channel.
An ProxiedSocketAddress for making a connection to an endpoint via an HTTP CONNECT proxy.
Copies all bytes from the input into the output resource.
Immutable implementation of StringToLongBiMap.
Builder for a channel that issues in-process requests.
Builder for a server that services in-process requests.
Custom SocketAddress class for InProcessTransport.
No client identity, authentication, or encryption is to be used.
An insecure credential that upgrades from HTTP/1 to HTTP/2.
No server identity or encryption is to be used.
Builds a concise and readable string that gives insight of the concerned part of the system.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Int32Value
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Int32Value
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Int64Value
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Int64Value
Annotates a program element (class, method, package, etc) which is internal to gRPC, not part of the public API, and should not be used by users of gRPC.
Internal accessor for CallOptions.
This is an internal API.
A data class to represent a channel's stats.
A data class to represent transport stats.
Internal ClientCalls accessor.
Companion enum for internal enum ClientCalls.StubType.
Internal accessor.
Per method config selector that the channel or load balancers will use to choose the appropriate config or take config related actions for an RPC.
Internal access to Configurator API.
Access internal global configurators.
Private accessor for decompressor registries.
Internal accessor for GracefulServerCloseCommand.
Internal InProcessChannelBuilder accessor.
Internal InProcessServerBuilder accessor.
An internal class.
All known transports.
An internal class.
Internal accessors for ManagedChannelBuilder.
Internal accessor for ManagedChannelProvider.
Internal Metadata accessor.
A specialized plain ASCII marshaller.
Accesses internal data and methods.
Internal NettyChannelBuilder accessor.
A class that provides a Netty handler to control protocol negotiation.
Internal NettyChannelCredentials accessor.
Internal NettyServerBuilder accessor.
Internal NettyServerCredentials accessor.
An internal accessor.
Internal accessor for ProtocolNegotiationEvent.
Internal accessor for ProtocolNegotiators.
An object that accepts new incoming connections on one or more listening socket addresses.
Internal accessor for getting the Server instance inside server RPC Context.
Accessor to internal methods of ServerInterceptors.
Internal accessor for ServerProvider.
Accesses internal data.
An internal class.
An internal class.
Utility class for WriteBufferingAndExceptionHandler.
Interval of time on the time-line from a start to an end instant.
Aggregates the in-use state of a set of objects.
IRI is WHATWG URL Living Standard inspired implementation.
Utility methods for Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs).
Protobuf type pb.JavaFeatures
Protobuf type pb.JavaFeatures
Protobuf enum pb.JavaFeatures.Utf8Validation
Utility class to convert protobuf messages to/from the Proto3 JSON format. Only proto3 features are supported.
A Parser parses the proto3 JSON format into a protobuf message.
A Printer converts a protobuf message to the proto3 JSON format.
A TypeRegistry is used to resolve Any messages in the JSON conversion.
A Builder is used to build JsonFormat.TypeRegistry.
Parses JSON with as few preconceived notions as possible.
Helper utility to work with JSON values in Java types.
Monitors the client's PING usage to make sure the rate is permitted.
Manages keepalive pings.
Java constants for some "well-known" IRIs used in Enola's code.
Dublin Core's very own! Properties.
XML Schema's built-in datatypes.
KnownDocsProvider offers, if available, a "better URL" to use as link target in generated HTML or Markdown etc.
An InputStream or alike whose total number of bytes that can be read is known upfront.
LangString is a String with a BCP 47 “language tag” (e.g.
The legacy APIs preserve the existing toString() behavior (output TextFormat), which allows us to migrate toString callers that expect TextFormat output off toString.
Link is an IRI "reference" to another Thing.
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.LinksMetadata
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.LinksMetadata
LinkTransformer transforms an IRI (link); see implementations for how.
ThingService which returns the list of all known Things' IRIs for GET enola:/
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ListValue
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ListValue
A pluggable component that receives resolved addresses from NameResolver and provides the channel a usable subchannel when asked.
Arguments for creating a LoadBalancer.Subchannel.
Key for a key-value pair.
Use new FixedResultPicker(PickResult.withError(error)) instead.
Factory to create LoadBalancer instance.
A picker that always returns the same result.
Provides essentials for LoadBalancer implementations.
Receives information about the pick being chosen.
A balancing decision made by SubchannelPicker for an RPC.
Represents a combination of the resolved server address, associated attributes and a load balancing policy config.
A logical connection to a server, or a group of equivalent servers represented by an EquivalentAddressGroup.
The main balancing logic.
Receives state changes for one LoadBalancer.Subchannel.
Provider of LoadBalancers.
Registry of LoadBalancerProviders.
TODO Log isn't actually used, just yet...
TODO Log isn't actually used, just yet...
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.util.Log.Entry
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.util.Log.Entry
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.util.Log.Inline
Protobuf type dev.enola.core.util.Log.Inline
Inspired by, but could be extended here, as there is no real direct connection between this and GCP logging.
A simple wrapper for a Runnable that logs any exception thrown by it, before re-throwing it.
An interface for a long base counter.
Represents a long-valued counter metric instrument.
Represents a long-valued gauge metric instrument.
Represents a long-valued histogram metric instrument.
The ManagedBean annotation marks a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) as a ManagedBean.
A Channel that provides lifecycle management.
A builder for ManagedChannel instances.
Default managed channel builder, for usage in Transport implementations.
An interface for Transport implementors to provide a default port to NameResolver for use in cases where the target string doesn't include a port.
An interface for Transport implementors to provide the ClientTransportFactory appropriate for the channel.
Default implementation of ManagedChannelImplBuilder.ChannelBuilderDefaultPortProvider that returns a fixed port.
Convenience ClientTransportFactoryBuilder, throws UnsupportedOperationException().
Provider of managed channels for transport agnostic consumption.
Thrown when no suitable ManagedChannelProvider objects can be found.
Thrown when no suitable ManagedChannelProvider objects can be found.
A ClientTransport that has life-cycle management.
Receives notifications for the transport life-cycle events.
Implements MapEntry messages.
Builder to create MapEntry messages.
Internal representation of map fields in generated messages.
Internal representation of map fields in generated builders.
Convert a MessageOrBuilder to a Message regardless of which it holds.
A base class for package private shared methods between MapField and MapFieldBuilder to allow reflection to access both.
The "text/markdown" media type, as per RFC 7763 (and RFC 7764).
MarkdownResource is a MultipartResource which separates "Front Matter" (as MarkdownResource.FRONT part, typically YAML structured data) and Markdown content (as MarkdownResource.BODY) from the base resource.
Generates a "site" of Markdown files, given some Things.
Monitors connection idle time; shutdowns the connection if the max connection idle is reached.
Aggregates other MediaTypeProviders, from an explicit list provided to constructor.
Extension methods for (Guava's) MediaType.
MemoryRepositoryRW is an in-memory RepositoryRW implemented using a ConcurrentHashMap.
Abstract interface implemented by Protocol Message objects.
Abstract interface implemented by Protocol Message builders.
Deframer for GRPC frames.
A listener of deframing events.
Encodes gRPC messages to be delivered via the transport layer which implements MessageFramer.Sink.
Sink implemented by the transport layer to receive frames and forward them to their destination.
Base interface for methods common to Message and Message.Builder to provide type equivalency.
Converts Resources containing Protocol Buffer messages using the ProtoIO utility.
Message is a Protocol Buffers utility to create new message builders from type URLs.
MessageWithIRI is a Proto Message + an IRI describing "what it is" (logical), or "where it comes from" ('physical' URI).
Metadata of an IRI, provided by MetadataProvider.
Provides access to read and write metadata values to be exchanged during a call.
Marshaller for metadata values that are serialized into ASCII strings.
Marshaller for metadata values that are serialized into raw binary.
Marshaller for metadata values that are serialized to an InputStream.
Key for metadata entries.
Provider of Metadata, given an IRI.
Utility functions for binding and receiving headers.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Method
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Method
Description of a remote method used by Channel to initiate a call.
A builder for a MethodDescriptor.
A typed abstraction over message serialization and deserialization, a.k.a.
The call type of a method.
A marshaller that uses a fixed instance of the type it produces.
A marshaller that supports retrieving its type parameter T at runtime.
Represents a metric instrument.
A registry for globally registered metric instruments.
An interface used for recording gRPC metrics.
Callback to record gauge values.
Recorder for instrument values produced by a batch callback.
A handle to a registration, that allows unregistration.
An internal interface representing a receiver or aggregator of gRPC metrics data.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Mixin
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Mixin
See JDK's StandardCharsets and Guava's StandardCharsets.
Utilities for FileSystem, similar to FileSystems.
Static utility methods related to Stream instances.
Resource I/O implementation based on a multibase: URLs (invented by; not standardized anywhere, yet).
A base load balancing policy for those policies which has multiple children such as ClusterManager or the petiole policies.
Endpoint is an optimization to quickly lookup and compare EquivalentAddressGroup address sets.
Extension methods for Multihash.
An alternative (wrapper, actually) over Multihash which "remembers" its encoding base.
MultipartResources are "logical" resources which do have an URI, but are composed of multiple "parts" which are independent (sub)resources, each with their own MediaType and content.
Default implementation of HandlerRegistry.
Implementation of both Thing and its Thing.Builder which is simple and mutable.
A pluggable component that resolves a target URI and return addresses to the caller.
Information that a NameResolver.Factory uses to create a NameResolver.
Builder for NameResolver.Args.
Represents either a successfully parsed service config, containing all necessary parts to be later applied by the channel, or a Status containing the error encountered while parsing.
Factory that creates NameResolver instances.
Receives address updates.
Receives address updates.
Represents the results from a Name Resolver.
Annotation for name resolution result attributes.
Parses and validates service configuration.
Provider of name resolvers for name agnostic consumption.
Registry of NameResolverProviders.
NamespaceConverter converts "compact" CURIE-like IRIs (i.e.
Identifies the negotiation used for starting up HTTP/2.
A builder to help simplify construction of channels using the Netty transport.
This class is meant to be overriden with a custom implementation of NettyChannelBuilder.LocalSocketPicker.createSocketAddress(, io.grpc.Attributes).
Provider for NettyChannelBuilder instances.
HTTP WebServer API implementation based on Netty.
A builder to help simplify the construction of a Netty-based GRPC server.
Provider for NettyServerBuilder instances.
A credential that performs TLS with Netty's SslContext as configuration.
A credential that performs TLS with Netty's SslContext as configuration.
An implementation of ClientStream that silently does nothing for the operations.
Resource which ignores writes, and returns an infinite amount of bytes of value 0 on read.
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.NullValue
Converts an object to a requested (other) class, if it can.
An object pool.
Converts objects of type T to invalid input: '&' from String, if it can.
An ObjectToStringBiConverter which uses Object.toString() for BiConverter.convertTo(Object), and which also checks the type to convert from.
Resource implemented with OkHttp.
Thing with only an IRI and no properties (optimized).
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Option
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Option
OptionalCachingResourceProvider is a AlwaysCachingResourceProvider variant which only caches resources if the request URI contains a ?cache=forever query.
Optional Converter of an object of type I to a new object of type O, or Optional.empty().
A "chain" of OptionalConverters.
Wraps a child LoadBalancer while monitoring for outlier backends and removing them from the use of the child LB.
The configuration for OutlierDetectionLoadBalancer.
The configuration for failure percentage ejection.
The configuration for success rate ejection.
Specifies that all security roles are allowed to invoke the specified method(s) — i.e., that the specified method(s) are "unchecked".
Provider for the "pick_first" balancing policy.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorRequest
Protobuf type google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorRequest
Protobuf type google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse
Protobuf type google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.Feature
Protobuf type google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File
Protobuf type google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File
Protobuf type google.protobuf.compiler.Version
Protobuf type google.protobuf.compiler.Version
The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization.
The PreDestroy annotation is used on a method as a callback notification to signal that the instance is in the process of being removed by the container.
PredicatesObjects is a "struct" of Predicates and their Objects.
The Priority annotation can be applied to classes or parameters to indicate in what order they should be used.
ProtobufToStringOutput controls the output format of Message.toString().
Interface of useful methods added to all enums generated by the protocol compiler.
Represents a completion of a protocol negotiation stage.
Provides access to the underlying proto file descriptor.
Utility helper functions to work with
invalid reference
Converts Protocol Buffer Messages from/to TextFormat, JsonFormat and YAML.
Utility methods for using protobuf with grpc.
Provides access to the underlying proto service method descriptor.
Provides access to the underlying proto service descriptor.
Converter of proto Thing into Java Thing Builder.
Proto Thing variant of ThingProvider (which is for Java Things).
Converts a Proto Thing to an RDF4j Model or into an RDF4j RDFHandler.
ProtoTypes defines the Enola Types related to Protocol Buffers.
Utility methods for using protobuf with grpc.
Providers "provide" (AKA "load" or allow you to "get") a value (V), given a key (K).
ProviderFromIRI is a Provider where the Key is an IRI as String.
An address that contains the information about making a connection via a proxy.
A utility class to detect which proxy, if any, should be used for a given SocketAddress.
Queryable returns Results (R), given a Query (Q).
RdfLoader is a Loader that's configured to load (only) RDF resources.
This "bridges" RDF4j's MIME Type database to Enola's MediaType registry.
MediaType of and
Converts RDF4j Model into Proto Things.
Reads a ReadableResource into an RDFJ4j Model.
RdfResourceIntoThingConverter "converts" (loads, really) RDF resources (e.g.
Writes RDFJ4j Statements (like Model) into a WritableResource.
Interface for an abstract byte buffer.
Utility methods for creating ReadableBuffer instances.
A LongCounter that is implemented with a JDK8
invalid reference
Resources which "splits" a "base" resource into "parts", based on Regular Expression named capturing groups.
RepeatedFieldBuilder implements a structure that a protocol message uses to hold a repeated field of other protocol messages.
This class is deprecated, and slated for removal in the next breaking change.
ReadableResource which replaces text.
Repository is a Provider which, in addition to being able to getting a single T given an IRI, can also "list" all such IRIs which it "has".
RepositoryBuilder builds immutable Repository instances.
RepositoryRW is a readable invalid input: '&' writable Repository which is thus also a Store.
The Resource annotation marks a resource that is needed by the application.
The two possible authentication types for a resource.
Detects the Charset of a Resource.
Reads in from a ReadableResource, converts content, and writes out to a WritableResource.
ResourceEnolaService implements EnolaService by fetching bytes from a ResourceProvider and converting them into Things using an OptionalConverter, such as its default RdfResourceIntoProtoThingConverter.
API for detectors of a (better) MediaType for a Resource.
Resource Provider.
This class is used to allow multiple resources declarations.
This interface is used to schedule future retry attempts for a failed operation.
Specifies the list of security roles permitted to access method(s) in an application.
Rosetta Stone for converting between different model resource and other formats.
Interface for an RPC callback, normally called when an RPC completes.
Abstract interface for an RPC channel.
An RpcController mediates a single method call.
RpcMethod contains a limited subset of information about the RPC to assist Java Annotation Processors.
Grab-bag of utility functions useful when dealing with RPCs.
Exception thrown when a one-time callback is called more than once.
Defines the identity of the application during execution.
The library built-in implementation of service config parser.
The level of security guarantee in communications.
Executor ensuring that all Runnable tasks submitted are executed in order using the provided Executor, and serially such that no two will ever be running at the same time.
Server for listening for and dispatching incoming calls.
A builder for Server instances.
Encapsulates a single call received from a remote client.
Callbacks for consuming incoming RPC messages.
Defines what executor handles the server call, based on each RPC call information at runtime.
Interface to initiate processing of incoming remote calls.
Utility functions for adapting ServerCallHandlers to application service implementation, meant to be used by the generated code.
Adaptor to a bidirectional streaming method.
Adaptor to a client streaming method.
Adaptor to a server streaming method.
Adaptor to a unary call method.
A refinement of CallStreamObserver to allows for interaction with call cancellation events on the server side.
Represents a security configuration to be used for servers.
Default implementation of Server, for creation by transports.
Default builder for Server instances, for usage in Transport implementations.
An interface to provide to provide transport specific information for the server.
Interface for intercepting incoming calls before they are dispatched by ServerCallHandler.
Utility methods for working with ServerInterceptors.
A listener to a server for transport creation events.
Definition of a method exposed by a Server.
Provider of servers for transport agnostic consumption.
Registry of ServerProviders.
Thrown when no suitable ServerProvider objects can be found.
Definition of a service to be exposed via a Server.
Builder for constructing Service instances.
Extension of Stream to support server-side termination semantics.
An observer of server-side stream events.
Listens to events on a stream to collect metrics.
A data class with info about the started ServerCall.
An inbound connection.
Listens on server transport life-cycle events, with the capability to read and/or change transport attributes.
A observer of a server-side transport for stream creation events.
Abstract base interface for protocol-buffer-based RPC services.
Helper utility to work with service configs.
A LoadBalancingConfig that includes the policy name (the key) and its raw config value (parsed JSON).
Descriptor for a service.
A builder for a ServiceDescriptor.
Thrown by blocking RPC methods when a failure occurs.
A holder for shared resource singletons.
Defines a resource, and the way to create and destroy instances of it.
An ObjectPool backed by a SharedResourceHolder.Resource.
SingleFieldBuilder implements a structure that a protocol message uses to hold a single field of another protocol message.
This class is deprecated, and slated for removal in the next breaking change.
👟 Sneaker for (controlled) "sneaky Throw".
Protobuf type google.protobuf.SourceContext
Protobuf type google.protobuf.SourceContext
Provides utilities to manage SPIFFE bundles, extract SPIFFE IDs from X.509 certificate chains, and parse SPIFFE IDs.
Represents a SPIFFE trust bundle; that is, a map from trust domain to set of trusted certificates.
Represents a SPIFFE ID as defined in the SPIFFE standard.
WebHandler which servers static web content using Enola Resource I/O.
The stats and tracing information for a stream.
Defines the status of an operation by providing a standard Status.Code in conjunction with an optional descriptive message.
The set of canonical status codes.
Status in Exception form, for propagating Status information via exceptions.
Either a Status or a value.
Utility methods for working with Status.
Status in RuntimeException form, for propagating Status information via exceptions.
Stores "store" (AKA "save" or you can "put") Ts in(to) them.
StoreKV store Values so that they can be retrieved again later by Key.
A single stream of communication between two end-points within a transport.
An observer of Stream events.
A producer for deframed gRPC messages.
Receives notifications from an observable stream of messages.
Of questionable utility and generally not used.
Listens to events on a stream to collect metrics.
Writer implementation that outputs to a StringBuilder.
Writes out StringToLongBiMap and reads them back in.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.StringValue
Protobuf type google.protobuf.StringValue
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Struct
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Struct
Utilities to help create google.protobuf.Struct messages.
A synchronization context is a queue of tasks that run in sequence.
Protobuf enum google.protobuf.Syntax
TBF is a Thing Builder Factory.
This implementation is primarily intended to be used by tests.
Provide text parsing and formatting support for proto2 instances.
Thrown by TextFormat.unescapeBytes(java.lang.CharSequence) and TextFormat.unescapeText(java.lang.String) when an invalid escape sequence is seen.
Thrown when parsing an invalid text format message.
Parser for text-format proto2 instances.
Builder that can be used to obtain new instances of TextFormat.Parser.
Determines if repeated values for non-repeated fields and oneofs are permitted.
Helper class for converting protobufs to text.
This exception is unused and will be removed in the next breaking release (v5.x.x).
Data structure which is populated with the locations of each field value parsed from the text.
A location in the source code.
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.TextThing
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.TextThing
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.TextThings
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.TextThings
Thing is a generic datastructure for Linked Data.
Thing is the central data structure of Enola.
Thing is a generic datastructure for Linked Data.
ThingAdapter adapts a Thing to a Thing.
API for in-process Thing "connectors".
ThingConnectorsProvider implements ThingProvider by delegating to a list of ThingConnector.
ThingConverterInto converts a Thing into an Thing.Builder.
Extension methods for Thing.
Provider of _"hierarchical"_ (e.g.
Builds a read-only Repository of Things.
ThingMemoryRepositoryRW is an in-memory read invalid input: '&' write (i.e.
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.ThingMetadata
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.ThingMetadata
MetadataProvider implementation based on looking at Thingss obtained via ThingProvider; see also related invalid input: '<'a href=">end-user documentation.
Provides Things.
ThingProviderAdapter is a ThingProvider which delegates to any ProviderFromIRI of proto Thing, and then wraps the results with a ThingAdapter.
ThingRepositoryThingService is an ThingService which delegates to a ThingRepository.
Things are repeated things.
Things are repeated things.
Set of Thing.Builders, which is also a ThingsRepository.
Provider of _"temporal"_ Time related metadata about Things.
A Deframer that optimizations by taking over part of the thread safety.
Extension methods for MediaType.
Converts Tika Media Types into Enola Things (AKA RDF / TTL).
Time source representing the current system time in nanos.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Timestamp
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Timestamp
Utilities to help create/manipulate protobuf/timestamp.proto.
Utilities to help create/manipulate protobuf/timestamp.proto on Java 8+.
TLC is the Thread Local Context.
TLS credentials, providing server authentication and encryption.
Features to understand TLS configuration.
TLS credentials, providing server identity and encryption.
The level of authentication the server should expect from the client.
Features to understand TLS configuration.
A class that intercepts uncaught exceptions of type StatusRuntimeException and handles them by closing the ServerCall, and transmitting the exception's status and metadata to the client.
Utility functions for transport layer framing.
A class for gathering statistics about a transport.
An interface for reading the local and remote flow control windows of the transport.
A container that holds the local and remote flow control window sizes.
🌳 Tree.
Trigger for updates to Store.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Type
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Type
A TypeRegistry is used to resolve Any messages.
A Builder is used to build TypeRegistry.
TypeRegistryWrapper is a registry of ProtoBuf type descriptors.
Provider for NettyChannelBuilder instances for UDS channels.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UInt32Value
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UInt32Value
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UInt64Value
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UInt64Value
Wraps an InterruptedException with an unchecked (runtime) exception.
UnknownFieldSet keeps track of fields which were seen when parsing a protocol message but whose field numbers or types are unrecognized.
Builder for UnknownFieldSets.
Represents a single field in an UnknownFieldSet.
Used to build a UnknownFieldSet.Field within an UnknownFieldSet.
Parser to implement MessageLite interface.
Splits an URI based on a RFC 6570 Template.
Resource implemented with URL.openStream().
Protobuf type dev.enola.validation.Validation
Protobuf type dev.enola.validation.Validation
Protobuf type dev.enola.validation.Validations
Protobuf type dev.enola.validation.Validations
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Value
Value is the stuff that Thing's fields are made of.
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Value
Value is the stuff that Thing's fields are made of.
TODO Keep or remove this? See
TODO Keep or remove this? See
TODO Rename to Collection
TODO Rename to Collection
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.Value.Literal
Protobuf type dev.enola.thing.Value.Literal
Utilities to help create google.protobuf.Value messages.
Wany is a Wrapped Any.
Handler for Web Request.
Web Server API.
An interface for a byte buffer that can only be written to.
An allocator of buffers provided by the transport implementation to MessageFramer so it can send chunks of data to the transport in a form that the transport can directly serialize.
A WritableResource which delegates to a Writer.
XML SAX ContentHandler which transforms XML into a Thing.
Utility to convert YAML ⇔ JSON Resources.