Other Tools¶
Awesome Semantic Web has similar related links.
SRE & DevOps¶
Enola π΅πΎββοΈ is not an Observability / Monitoring (Application Performance Management, APM) tool. There are already many great ones, e.g. Prometheus, Thanos, etc. On the contrary, Enola is often set-up to integrate with and read data from existing monitoring tools, if available.
Enola π΅πΎββοΈ is not an Incident Management or Postmortem tool. On the contrary, it could automate creating incidents in such tools.
Enola π΅πΎββοΈ is not Configuration Management tool.
Enola π΅πΎββοΈ is not a Communication tool.
RDF Linked Data Tools¶
#RDF #lint #validate #opensource #java- Ontospy #python #CLI #RDFS #OWL #SKOS #documentation #generation #ToDo
- Iolanta Linked Data browser #ToDo
Knowledge Management¶
Linked Data Sources¶
- Data Commons, by #Google
- Wikidata (SPARQL query)
- DBpedia
- European data, and Kohesio
- LINDAS the Swiss Governments’s Ecosystem (also opendata.swiss?)
- SBB The Swiss trains schedule
- Musicbrainz’s LinkedBrainz
- qudt.org has RDF for UCUM OoM units
- LOD Cloud
- SPDX Software Package Data Exchange (evolution of DOAP, see Maven)
- Digital Buildings #Google
Platforms (?)¶
- Stardog #freemium #commercial #GraphML? #LLM?
- ProtΓ©gΓ© #opensource #editor #ontology #ToDo
- Corese #opensource #ToDo
- PoolParty #commercial #LLM
- Anzo, by Cambridge Semantics #commercial
- Semaphore, by Progress #commercial
- metaphactory, by Metaphacts
- openEngiadina #opensource #swiss
Enola π΅πΎββοΈ may in the future have some Personal Knowledge Management like features, similar to tools such as:
With different types of generic objects:
- Anytype #opensource #p2p
- Notion #cloud #saas #commercial
- Tana #commercial #start-with-creditcard #ai
With Notes primarily:
- Foam #opensource #vsc
- Dendron #opensource #vsc
- Obsidian #freeware
- Logseq #opensource #ToDo
- deepdwn #commercial
- Cosma #opensource
- Org Mode #opensource
- The Brain
- Roam Research #ToDo
- RemNote
- TiddlyWiki
- Zettlr #opensource
- The Archive from zettelkasten.de
- Zettelkasten history on Wikipedia
Desktop Search¶
- Maltego #commercial
Enola π΅πΎββοΈ visualizes (TBD) the relationships of its Entities using:
- yEd (yFiles) #commercial #sdk #freemium
- Graphviz #available
- Gephi, with Gephi Lite which uses SigmaJS on Graphology for JS #FOSDEM #dynamicGraph #web #active #planned #ToDo
- D3js.org, and Observable Plot has #graph (and d3rdf) #timeline
- G6 #opensource #graph #javascript
- vis.js #opensource #graph #timeline #web
- Cytoscape #opensource #graph #desktop #plugins
- Cytoscape.js #graph #library #web
- Mermaid #graph #timeline #opensource
- PlantUML #opensource
- GraphStream #opensource #dynamicGraph #java #swing #desktop #inactive
- Vega Lite & Vega #opensource
- yuml #UML
- amCharts #network #commercial
- KronoGraph #network #timeline #commercial
- GoJS #network #tree #commercial
- Ruimdetijd/timeline #timeline #gpl #broken
- Apache Charts #graph #opensource @impronta48
Other “Graph Explorer” kind of UIs that we have heard about include:
- aws/graph-explorer #RDF #SPARQL #TinkerPop #AWS #opensource
- GraphDB Workbench #RDF4j #freemium #commercial #opensource
- zazuko/graph-explorer #RDF #SPARQL #opensource #fork #metaphacts/ontodia
- lodlive.it is #RDF #opensource
- isSemantic’s RDF Visualizer
- Triply’s Yasgui
- Zazuko’s Trifid
- Zazuko’s Sketch (also for VSC) #RDF #swiss
- VisGraph^3 #opensource #RDF
- Brickschema’s Viewer
Vaguely related other such tools include:
Java API- JGraphT Java Library
- NetworkX Python package
Semantic Triple Java libraries (comparison):
Non-Java RDF libraries:
- RDF JavaScript & TypeScript Libraries #RDF #JS #TS #library
- Redland librdf #RDF #C #library
Documentation Generation¶
- LEXREX semantic vocabulary visual builder and manager, by APICatalog.com
- Snowman static site generator for SPARQL
- Quartz #static #site #MD #Wikilink #Obsidian #Roam #Mermaid #LaTeX #RSS #TS #ToDo
Enola π΅πΎββοΈ might not ever become a (persistent) “database” itself - but could integrate with some in the future?
Triplestore (AKA RDF store) DB¶
Some db-engines.com:
- RDF4j (formerly known as OpenRDF Sesame) In-Memory, or native B-Tree, or LMDB, or ElasticSearch #LMDB #SPARQL #RDF #RDF4j
- TinySPARQL #SPARQL #RDF #SQLite #Linux #GNOME #Tracker #Miner
- Tinkerpop with SPARQL-Gremlin (also NB Sqlg) #opensource
- qEndpoint #RDF #RDF4j #HDT #GeoSPARQL #SPARQL #opensource
- GraphDB, by Ontotext #freemium #commercial
- Apache Jena’s TDB (Fuseki?) #opensource
- Oxigraph #opensource
- Virtuoso #opensource
- Blazegraph #opensource
- Halyard (by Merck) #opensource
- Cayley #opensource #Google
- Strabon #opensource
- BadWolf #temporal #Google #opensource
- Neptune #AWS #cloud #commercial #SaaS
- Cosmos #Azure #cloud #commercial #SaaS
- 4store #opensource
Graph DB¶
- JanusGraph #opensource
- Neo4j, with neosemantics for RDF
- Tiger #commercial #ML
- Other Graph databases…
GraphML DB¶
- ArangoDB #GraphML #opensource #commercial
- LlamaIndex #GraphML #opensource? #ToDo
- varunshenoy/GraphGPT #GraphML #opensource #demo
- HKUDS/GraphGPT #GraphML #opensource #paper
- Kumo.ai #GraphML #commercial #LLM
- Relational.ai #commercial
- QAnswer by The QA Company (on GitHub) #RDF
- Franz #commercial
Vector DB¶
Vector (“Embedding”) databases of possible future interest:
Document DB¶
Symbolic AI Reasoning (GOFAI?)¶
Semantic Reasoning through modus ponens of an Inference Engine by Forward Chaining; also see Backward Chaining, Backtracking, Backpropagation - TBD.
- Mangle #OpenSource #Google
Enterprise Data Catalogs¶
Model Template Languages¶
Enola π΅πΎββοΈ models may internally gain (optional) hash
support, for caching transformations; this would give it some aspects that make it similar to tools which made the art of procrasting while running builds, such as:
- Bob
- Justbuild (not to be confused with just.systems and similar command runners)
- Bazel (and its flattering imitations, such as Buck2 and Pants)
Conferences & Events¶
- Linked Data Days in Bern
- Knowledge Graph Forum in Basel
- Data Community Conference in Bern