Are you tired of using 🐢 Turtles to write models? You are more familiar with JSON and YAML!
JSON-LD is a W3C standard to map JSON (and therefore YAML) to the RDF linked data model.
We can rewrite the greeting2.ttl
from the Linked Data chapter as this greeting2.yaml
id: greeting2
message: "hello"
object: world
id: world
wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth
Of course, we lost what uniquely identified our things… but JSON-LD Contexts can re-provide that, using this greeting-context.jsonld
"@context": {
"@version": 1.1,
"@vocab": "https://example.org/",
"@base": "https://example.org/",
"id": "@id",
"object": {
"@type": "@id"
"wikipedia": {
"@type": "@id"
Combining these, Enola can recreate the same data model:
$ ./enola get --load="models/example.org/greeting2.yaml?context=models/example.org/greeting-context.jsonld" https://example.org/greeting2
iri: https://example.org/greeting2
https://example.org/message: {string: hello}
https://example.org/object: {link: 'https://example.org/world'}
https://enola.dev/origin: {link: 'file:///home/runner/work/enola/enola/models/example.org/greeting2.yaml?context=models%2Fexample.org%2Fgreeting-context.jsonld'}
Generating documentation will look the same as in the original Linked Data chapter, using this:
$ ./enola docgen --load="models/example.org/greeting2.yaml?context=models/example.org/greeting-context.jsonld" --output=/tmp/models/ --no-index
Tools > JSON-LD has more reference documentation about JSON-LD in Enola.