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Core’s Architecture

These logical models are implemented and further documented in Protobuf messages.

They are also published as JSON Schemas, for EntityKind and Type et al.

Entity (Model)

As an UML-like class diagram:

  direction RL
  class ID{
    String ns
    String entity
    String[] path
  class Entity{
    Timestamp ts
    Map~String|String~ links
  Entity *-- ID : id
  Entity "1" --> "*" Entity : related
  EntityKind "*" <|-- "1" Entity : IS A

Entity Kinds (Meta Model)

  class ID{
    String ns
    String entity
  class EntityKind{
    string label
    string emoji
    string logo_url
    string doc_url
  EntityKind *-- ID : id
  EntityRelationship *-- ID : id
  EntityKind *-- EntityRelationship : related
  EntityKind *-- Link : link
  class EntityRelationship{
    string label
    string description
  class Link{
    string label
    string description
    string uri_template