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Dev Set-Up

GitHub Codespaces

We highly recommend you use our ready-made “1 click” Web/Cloud IDE set-up.

Development Environment in a Docker Container

Because it can be a PITA to install all required tools, especially on non-Linux platforms, this project comes with a containerized (“Docker”) development environment, which you can use like this:

  1. Get the source code:

    git clone
    cd enola
  2. Build and enter (prompt) the Dev. Env. container, which includes all required tools, but with the source code “local / on host” mounted:

  3. (You’re now in the container.) Run the Enola CLI, built from source:

  4. (You’re still in the container.) Build everything and run the tests:


When tests ran fully successfully, then a .git/hooks/pre-commit that’s useful for development is installed.

Documentation Writing

To work on documentation, launch:

  • tools/docs/serve-quick.bash for hot reloading live refresh, which is great while writing (even though it has some limitations)
  • tools/docs/serve-build.bash for a “real” (full) docs build, without without the demo “screen cast” recordings (which are slow)
  • tools/docs/serve.bash for generating the “real” (full) static site/ exactly as it’s deployed on

Manual Tools Installation

This may be out of date (please help to update it) - it’s just so much easier to use the above!

If you do still want to try, here’s how to manually install what the development environment container comes built-in with:

  1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK), same version as in .bazelrc. There are different Java (like Linux) “distributions” (all based on OpenJDK). The easiest way to install one of them is typically to use your OS’ package manager:
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-21-jdk openjdk-21-doc openjdk-21-source

An alternative is to use e.g. the SDKMAN! If you work on several projects using different Java versions, then we recommend using something like jEnv (with .java-version), or asdf (with .tool-versions), or direnv (with .envrc).

  1. Install C/C++ etc. (it’s required by the Proto rule for Bazel), e.g. do:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential
  2. Install Python venv (it’s used by the presubmit and docs site generation), e.g. with:

    sudo apt-get install python3-venv
  3. Install Bazelisk (NOT Bazel), on a (recent enough…) Debian/Ubuntu with Go e.g. like this (or some more manual equivalent):

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install golang-go
    go install

You should now be able to proceed as above (but without requiring Docker).

Further Reading

You can now read more about: