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Thing UI v1 (2024-02-17)


It’s been a while since the last post! 😼

Enola now has a neat generic UI to display “things” (of any kind really, internally) - and their links. Try out this demo:

  1. Download the Enola CLI binary or container, as documented here

  2. Run ./enola server --model --httpPort=8080 (or ./enolac ...) to start Enola with the example model

  3. Open http://localhost:8080/ui/, and you’ll see a Book:

View of a Book

  1. Click on the kind link, and you’ll see its Book Kind:

View of a Book

  1. Click on the $proto field to navigate to the dev.enola.core.Entity Proto (Schema), and you’ll see:

View of Entity's Proto

  1. Click on the ts field to navigate to the google.protobuf.Timestamp, which is another Proto Schema, and you’ll see:

View of Timestamp Proto

Lately I’ve been reading up more about the Semantic Web, Linked Data, RDF, RDFS, OWL etc. and I can now see more clearly where the vision of “Infrastructure as Linked Data” that I’m exploring in this project could lead to… watch this space!

