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Generates various outputs from (loaded) Things.

Many of these formats “mirror” the respective support in Rosetta. The difference is that Rosetta transforms one resource into another one, whereas this generates (possibly several) output/s from possibly several input/s.

Sigma (TODO)

We have plans to support


Based on Rosetta’s Graphviz support:

$ ./enola gen graphviz --no-file-loader --load=enola:TikaMediaTypes --output /tmp/

Produces a (rather huge…) graphviz.gv which can then be rendered to an (ugly!) SVG e.g. using:

dot -Ksfdp -Tsvg -O /tmp/graphviz.gv


See Rosetta’s GEXF support.

Markdown (TODO)

The (old) docgen will later be integrated into a (new) generic gen markdown.