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Web & gRPC Server


$ ./enola server --load="docs/models/*.ttl" --httpPort=8080
HTTP JSON REST API + HTML UI server started; open http://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:8080/ui ...

You can now open e.g. http://localhost:8080/ui to view the UI, and navigate its links e.g. from e.g. http://[::]:8080/ui/ to http://[::]:8080/ui/


There is also a REST API which returns JSON if you replace ui with api in the URL, so e.g. on http://[::]:8080/api/


The --grpcPort flag starts the Enola gRPC API.

This can be used by the Enola CLI Client’s --server flag, instead of passing a --load file, like so:

$ ./enola server --load="docs/models/*.ttl" --grpcPort=7070
gRPC API server now available on port 9090

$ ./enola get --server localhost:7070 enola:/

This is the same as a direct “in-process” Get Entity would have:

./enola get --load="docs/models/*.ttl" enola:/